Wednesday, October 22, 2014

What do you do when life gives you bananas?

#SoProud of myself for being so hardworking in the kitchen yesterday. My mum was so happy that I spent almost the whole day at home that she sent me a text this morning thanking me for spending time with her. She cracks me up sometimes.

So I found myself with 2 combs of ripe bananas one day and I knew I had to make something out of them so these are what I made:

1. Make banana ice cream without an ice cream machine!

Freeze bananas for a few hours, or days.
Throw them in a blender.
Add milk tablespoon by tablespoon into the blender until it reaches your desired creamy texture.
Scoop and serve!
Add almond if you're feeling nutty. Add chocolate sauce if you've done enough training to deserve it.

Easy peasy and yummy too.

2. Banana-chocolate-chip-overload bread pudding

2 eggs
1 tsp of vanilla extract
1/2 cup of sugar
1/4 tsp of salt
2 1/2 cups of milk

Mix in:
8 slices of bread- torn into smaller pieces (at least a day old bread)
3 sliced bananas (add more if you like)

Transfer everything in a greased baking tray and make sure the bread pieces are soaked.
Top it off with an infinite amount of raisins and/or chocolate chips.
Bake for 50 - 60mins at 170 degrees Celsius (until toothpick comes out clean- which I never really know the reliability of this test because my toothpick never does come out clean for any dish I make but they still taste good.)

I love to eat it warm especially when it is served with vanilla ice cream. But definitely not athlete's food so eat just a few spoonfuls and share the remaining of the bread pudding with your skinny friends who eat alot but never grow fat (we will for sure have a few of those annoying friends).

Put chocolate sauce on the side instead of on the bread pudding to look fancy like that.

How about that? A future Martha Stewart probably? Or more like a Jamie Oliver of sports?

Let me know if you'd like to know more recipes. I'll vary between healthy (and I promise, yummy) stuff and food that you can make but you shouldn't be eating (which makes you wonder why you'd want to make it if you won't be eating it) in case life gives you a bunch of food that you don't know what to do with, like how I ended up with a whole lot of bananas and a loaf of bread which was going to expire. (Otherwise I wouldn't bother making bread pudding!)

Enjoy! ^^

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